CCI+EC Helps You

Achieve Seamless Integration with QAD

"We've substantially reduced the steps required - used to have to go into the third party portal to process, then to the bank, then into QAD, manually click post. Now we don't have to leave QAD and it all happens in minutes." - Tina Intrieri, Shockwave Medical

Discover Opportunities To Save On Every Sale

The cost of payment card processing is typically 2.5% to 3% of every dollar received, so for a business grossing $10 million each year in credit card sales, the transaction costs equate to between $250,000 and $300,000. These are substantial amounts; investing up front to reduce these fees can have an equally significant impact on your bottom line.

Your relationship with the processor is handled via a Sales Agent or Independent Sales Organization (ISO). Reducing interchange fees with a combination of interchange optimization and a lower net account rate is a proven, high value savings method of which many businesses do not take full advantage.

It’s time for your business to get on track towards significant savings with CCI+EC. Contact us today for a free demo!